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My today's entry is surprisingly irrelevant to the main project. It rather is a doodle I made while playing an game today.

It's called "rat people getting denied access through the gates of Gorfar".

Just today learned about Ken Block passing. It's unreal. Fuck unsafe vehicles, seriously.

A huge *huge* **huge** loss for everyone. Especially for his daughter, who is an amazingly skilled driver herself at a young age.


Why is this news? Does everyone not do this? I purposely set recurring meetings to end six months out as an implicit test of importance; you’d be amazed at how many people are happy to drop meetings but didn’t have a polite ‘out’.

Then again I’d consistently get in trouble at Twitter for not attending enough meetings and constantly revisiting how I handled recurring meetings.

In , which is an -style I'm working on, everyone and everything has a capability to take 6 stress (basically, 7 HP).

Some abilities are guaranteed to inflict stress, but cost stress.

This facilitates player skill so well, I'm telling you. Try it.

I'm planning to just "ship it" when it comes to . No typesetting, no overcomplicating, no proofreading. Just pure hand-crafted goodness, which should inform the content for the first adventures.

I'm also stretching the format quite a bit, but whatever.

I accidentally drew a wall too far yesterday so I made it a room for today. A tiny matainance room with a creature and Background of the Blue Collar Dagonite! Day 5 #dungeon23

#ttrpg #cthu #dnd #beggarrpgs #TroikaRPG

South Kensington is not just about tea houses! In today's entry, we explore a park there.

By the way, I'm committed to provide alt texts for all my entries, so that visually impaired GMs can benefit from my work as well as sighted! ❤️

This is what you get when you support the wrong people.


Who did not know - the band Limp Bizkit has been actively supporting Russia in the war against Ukraine since 2014. #LimpBizkit often performed illegally in occupied Crimea, appearing at concerts with "Crimea is Russia" posters.


36 Frames
New Year midnight fireworks in Sydney. 11 sets of trichromes that were stacked into a smart object and processed for the median.
Can you believe this is black and white film?
Agent Shadow ISO1600
Leica R8 + Elmarit 28/2.8
Not so #ShittyCameraChallenge

@jonn that is what I'm doing. I've made a couple posts for it. I'm calling it "Red Suns over Rubicon 4".

It's a slushy January afternoon. No wonder the car didn't arrive for you. Hailing a cab is out of question, not with your cargo and in your condition. So you rush across Kensington, your shoes squelching what's left of the white stuff...

Something you overhear as you walk past a Kensington tea house:

"Fancy some import tea? Better stockpile it! With the damned war and everything."

"Good thing we shall always have Sri Lanka, at least..."

From now on, I'll only post spoiler-free content. Some people are already eager to playtest my stuff. So I'm gonna make Kensington module over the course of the next couple of weeks. It probably means that some days I'll be posting rules, formatted as entries.

@jonn so I was told by folks in the stream who no more than I do that there are card-sized supplements for the game. Also, they’re going for a metaphorical meaning behind the index card, per the intro to the book (they do address it!).

Exactly 14 years ago , Satoshi Nakamoto designed the most pathetic / inefficient system ever invented by humankind : the blockchain.

Today, it weights 60 000 tons, wastes constantly 10 gigawatts .. to process less than 7 transactions per second :

Less than a 33 bps modem from 1990.

This could be joke if it didn't have such gigantic environmental impact, wasn't enabling billion dolllars ransomware industry and was not crushing thousands of lives in the process.

$350 billion in russian reserves is STILL just sitting around frozen in western central banks. This is russian STATE PROPERTY. It could easily be confiscated and given to Ukraine. Russia must pay for the war

Mondrian Crescent

I love it when train doors align at the end of a tunnel. The red tiles at Green Park station make this the ideal location to capture this moment.

It wasn't luck though, instead I froze the moving train with a fast shutter. It took ages to get it centred.

This final image resembles an abstract art painting by Piet Mondrian.

#art #mastoart #abstract #architecture #photography #potd #symmetry #london #underground #londonunderground #railway #mondrian #tiles #photo

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