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My takes me to helping secret service plan their pastime in South Kensington!

It's January 3rd 1940, and the is not the highest on the list of the socialites' concerns!

Kick back, relax, and enjoy the .

#quote | «In the immediate aftermath of President Putin’s regime, whoever replaces him will be just as nationalistic and authoritarian. Western policymakers should stop hoping for a “moderate” Russian leader who wants peace with his neighbors and reforms at home»

why? because putin's not the cause but just one of the consequences; the #fascism of the #russian nation would be the actual cause, and that fascism won't just go away with putin.

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:piegeon: messaging is only valid in the context "peace after the total victory of Ukraine".

@drq tagging people and people. How do you deal with cringe or worse while writing in public?

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Another weird thing — I'm with other people whom I don't know and am about to compile information about and other (sic!) anti-war (!!) nazi-supporters in the during . (Sounds familiar? @drq and other "good russians" who are "against the war"?).

It may look really awkward for people who look over my shoulder into my screen.

I mean, I know what *not* to do — not to take off my mask. I won't die from ear bruising or whatever. My question is more like...

What to do after I can take it off? Is it some treatment for earache?

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I traveled by bus and by train, was wearing a mask while boarding too, so I spent a majority of 48 wearing a proper mask. My ears hurt to a degree where I can't cope anymore I don't know what to do. It actually hurts. A_A_A_A_A.

Normalize not giving a fuck about the needs of those who demand your labor and refuse to pay for it.

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“In #Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”

Make sure everyone understands this — It’s costing us far too much to NOT provide housing and supports to those who are homeless.

#homelessness #cities #housing #HousingFirst

Continuing for content.

Location briefs and four events that can happen in a hill village by Sedan on 2nd of January, 1939.

Sick of people calling everything in crypto a Ponzi scheme. Some crypto projects are Pump-and-Dump schemes, while others are Pyramid schemes. Others are just middlemen skimming off the top. Others are just standard-issue fraud.

Stop glossing over the diversity in the industry.

Wrote my first entry.
It's set on a peaceful crispy morning of January 1st, 1939, in Sedan, France.

@docpop -
1) Agree. Everything about #Crypto is greater-fool-theory, as best.
2) To crush the #CryptoScams? EDUCATION. Educating our legislators, and educating the public.
3) The other way to crush the scams would be to get a super talented and dedicated lawyer like @marcelias to sue every high-profile celebrity who has promoted false Crypto claims for their last dime.

Don’t forget to increment the year in your password!

З Новим Роком, мої рідні. Дякую вам за все. Бажаю нам усім перемоги.

YES! Congratulations Croatia!
-- #Croatia to switch to #euro, enter passport-free #Schengen zone. Croatia will join the eurozone on January 1, 2023 as the currency bloc’s 20th member.

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