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BTW, mastodon has thoroughly eclipsed Twitter as the meeting place for developers and clear-thinking users. I don't imagine you'll see too many more Twitter links from me.


Absolutely unique chance to talk to an author of editor . Take this chance, especially if you're a software engineering beginner!

Let's see, we got a Jan 28th entry yesterday, gotta remember that while I publish my backlog. Anyway, for Jan 17th entry, I do a double time travel trick and give you the most current edit of the "Turns" card based on hazard system, after the feedback from... ...**players**! (Yup, I test my content as I go in the vein of and ).

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The dwarves could be considered a keystone species in a fantasy world. They build nice habitats, and once they are dead, goblins, dragons and balrogs have a place to live.


I hope to post a bit more here on the #TTRPG side of things. I have two projects I'm currently in the middle of, with one I hope to wrap up before the end of the year. I find the journaling #TTRPG space fascinating.

I've started a blog to write longer form pieces about what I'm working on (one post so far about my current projects) at:

I did play D&D as a teen years and years ago, the indie games seem so much more interesting and varied to me. I want to play them all.

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Instead of today's ...
My character facing off against a wyvern in the moors.
We had to put two of them down to retrieve lost artifacts. 14 HD dealt with by two retainers, a level 4 strong and a level 1 wise.

Almost died to crocodiles while fishing on our way back to town too... 😃

Good session! Love system and play style!

I’m not crying, you’re crying


Nicholas Winton helped 669 Jewish children escape the Nazis. His efforts went unrecognized for 50 years. Then in 1988, while sitting as a member of a TV audience, he suddenly found himself surrounded by the kids he’d rescued, now adults.

I like to remember this every Jan 27th.



It evolved from this thread:

Except I did a post instead of a reply, but then just left the post up.

OpenAI's sole licensee is Microsoft, despite it once upon a time being "open". So when you interact with ChatGPT, you're giving data (money) to Microsoft.

A Mastodon app has ChatGPT built in. This seems like a really bad path for Mastodon (and society in general) to go.

So, lets keep proprietary apps and ChatGPT off Mastodon! :)

Billionaires lost $1.9 trillion in 2022.

Elon Musk lost $115 billion.

Jeff Bezos lost $80 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg lost $78 billion.

None of this has any real consequence on their daily lives.

Hoarding wealth like this is grotesque.

Layoffs are yet another area where companies refuse to follow the science. Here's what the science says. 

With the Formula 1 season about to kick off, I’m wondering how popular other “formulas” are across the Tootsphere.

What do you watch / follow?

#F1 #Formula1 #Motorsport

@alesgenova look, a very "sporty" gravel rally:

Just five different stages (SSS York runs in reverse), but a decent total length:

Which means shorter prep time and still a decent rally. I'm making notes now on the off chance that you'll get to drive by 1st of Feb.

I tried to find an interesting rally for the next week, but I don't see anything so far :(

"Still Alive" is perhaps the best accompanying art piece in computer game history. A beautiful song.

Why do users retoot their toots?

I'm setting up a new M2 MacBook Pro, and it's been smooth sailing so far... until I tried to run "pip install lxml" and ran into some hairy error messages

The solution was to switch to a virtual environment created using a version of Python installed using Homebrew (I had accidentally been using the /usr/bin/python3 Python 3.9.6 that came with the system) - then everything worked fine

Wrote a quick TIL for the next person who gets stuck on this:

Today: some nice goblins, and some foreshadowing of things to come later.


Why do users retoot their toots?

More newly identified Soviet #SpaceJunk, this time dating back even further, to 1978.

ID 10937, at bottom center. Perhaps it is "flaring".

Now up to 6,058 #satellites identified, freely avaliable at

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