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This is Oleh Fedirets.

He is a Ukrainian University professor with a PhD in economics.

Because of Putin, he is now an anti-aircraft gunner near Bakhmut, risking his life 24/7.

War changed us all. Putin must be held accountable for Oleh not teaching at Uni this morning!
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin

I'm trying to stick to , and I'm scared of because it basically wants me to mostly use channels. More rigid is scary for me in .

But people aren't scared of it more lower level stuff.

Very nice talk.
I could even hear most of things!

Nice to see how far atomic operation support has come since I started coding!

Folks who do _not_ use GNOME, a question for you!

This is a UI for switching between two options. Which one is currently active/selected?

(poll in the next toot)

An absolutely amazing workshop on given by absolutely amazing @kookie!

I'm glad that I managed to do first two exercises with a very minor help from mentors.

I kind of slacked exercise 3, but I ended up learning about

Which is a modular routing system that has a lot of properties that I was dreaming about while thinking about .

The author is talking about the concept of metric cardinality, which is a really important thing to keep in mind while designing metric collection pipeline.

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@jonn I wondered how the author does number comparison in TS and yeah that certainly is quite creative 😅

My types are much more boring for sure. But now I feel a bit less bad about my pipe() signature.

@jonn don't really see the point of types alone without actual code.

The util library I'm making for our new framework (of course I'm making a new framework) is based around type inference wherever possible.

And type inference for pipe() took several attempts and like a week of work in total. And still needs kludges for overloaded functions. And isn't properly variadic either.

OH YES @jlouis IS HERE!

If you thought that "X is basically Y" toots are cool or funny, that's the person who came up with the format.

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