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Following up on this. In case you aren't familiar with the way CfAs work — please send outline of what you want to work on first and then, if we agree, commit time to do the actual writing.

Another thing that people asked about — **no matter what monetization strategy I will choose for this magazine, you retain author rights and copyright, giving only _non-exclusive_ right to publish your work in my magazine**.

If you want your content to be free, it will be free.

Dear all, I'm accepting articles for .

The topic of the first issue is "Fighting Pollution".

I welcome articles on any subject, concerning any field of human activity, however I'm starting this is first and foremost as a "functional and declarative counterpart of Linux Magazine".

Finally: while my inspiration is online-only , I am planning to figure out a sustainable production pipeline and sell premium print version. I'm not sure what sort of free distribution will there be.

I will share the profits fairly between contributors and will have completely open accounting.

💡 If you're interested in Proof Assistants, I do recommend reading these slides by P.-M. Pédrot concerning design choices in proof assistants, more specifically those based on Dependent Type Theory, More specifically Rocq/Coq. And not only for the punchline in the titles, but also because it explains knowledge that is often non-written.


Un vienu tūtiņu krievu valodā.

Ваш "черньій кофе" нам не нужен!

У нас есть свой, не хуже, из тех же времен.

Уходите к себе домой со своей культурой и со своим империализмом.

Nepopulārs viedoklis (no cilvēka, kurš raksta ar kļūdām).

joprojam nav pabeigta. Tas notiks tikai tad, kad tie un tie latvieši, kuri uzskata sevi par krieviem, vairs *patstāvīgi* nedzīvos mūsu valstī.

Es ceru, ka pēc krievijas sabrukuma, viņi paši izvēlēsies aizbraukt uz kaut kādu no Pleskavas nacionālo republiku.

Šis sabrukums ir iespējams tikai tad, ja mūsu tautai "visās pasaules malās" būs vēlme aizsargāt Latviju tā, kā katrs no mums prot. Bet kaut ko jādara katru dienu, un šodien palīdzēt Ukrainai uzvarēt karu ir visefektīvākais veids, kā to darīt.

Imagine being a leftie on .

I no longer associate myself with the left, but being on that fascist, perverse social network appalls me.

Even the new logo is Orwellian.

“Can I help you?”

“Please communicate my desire to open a dialogue with the ownership of this establishment regarding the possible procurement of gainful employment as promulgated by the advertisement affixed to the portal.”

“So, you’re here about the job?”

“Most indubitably.”

I want to make a , but without stuff about , , etc. and -centric perhaps?

And certainly not monthly because I have a ton of other engagements. Let's write together?


Oy, @linuxmagazine, I don't know if this piece[1] mentions that is implemented by developers, but it's worth mentioning.

Would love to buy this issue, but I think it would be too triggering to have this on my magazine shelf.


Shooting in moscow?

That probably means:
a) putin wants to intensify Ukraine war (blame Ukraine)
b) putin wants to start a new war (blame Baltics, Moldowa, Georgia, ..)
c) putin wants to stop any mass gatherings (blame opposition)
d) ..

Probably the same as the bombings by putin / the FSB in 1999:
there, putin wanted to win an election which still was one ..

Peskov now speaks of "war", not military operation, so it's probably a).

#Ukraine #War #StandWithUkraine

Benefit of working in my own self-funded startup #68

We have timeout messages hardcoded in the system to 3 minutes.
I was too lazy to change the messages....

So I just changed the planet.

Ok Google, provide me a dictionary definition of "forcing a meme".

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