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Congratulations to all the users and contributors for your hard work and dedication! Thank you for being a part of this journey!
Before my leftie ex-friends get too exceited—Israel still had a right for retaliation in 2023. They fucked it up (as nazis do) with an indiscriminate application of disproportionate violence, but denying that October 7th attack was a combined arms warfare operation is fucking delusional and that countries have the right to strike back is delusional.
As a life-long two-state solution supporter with security, dignity and freedom guarantees for Palestinian people, who also supports t*rrorism against Israel, I felt disgusted and betrayed by a suicidal attack #Hamas has waged back then.
A bi-annual reminder that #ACAB
I have no idea how #Jewish people can watch something like this and not think back to another country in another century where shit like this was normal.
Also, from fucking #Dutch cops whose grandparents probably have suffered from nazi-induced famine.
If you side with #Israel, you side with nazism.
Dear international colleagues, repression in the Netherlands is worsening. We can really use your support. Please join me in signing this open letter demanding accountability from our Executive Board for the wrongful arrest of six students and staff at my university
A new project has launched from #United24 to fund generators for schools. For my niece, cousins and all the other kids in #Ukraine
#GPUCompilation when.
@arichtman @jonn Plenty of examples where you can understand the reasons they are not that good. Lending from an Iterator or a closure for example is not possible for example. Range is not Copy even if bounds are. Bounded Range is even worse...
Random frustration is always a learning opportunity!
#Rust users should remember that Errors can't get Clone'd! See this thread for explanation why.
Remembering the time I was contracted as a security consultant in 2002-ish to review network security, help with documention, and to harden company systems, when I was mansplained about... (wait for it)... security.
So I was sitting at my desk writing documentation in the very open office, when one of the programmers, I guess trying to brag or impress me, sits on the edge of my desk and says, "So, you know, I'm a hacker."
Me, who is loves all things hacking and security related, replies, "Really? That's awesome!"
Him: "Yeah, so a computer hacker is someone who can [blah blah] and ..."
I quickly discover that he has zero clue I am the solo security consultant working at the place, and that I'm an actual hacker.
Me (thinking to myself): Okay, well everyone starts somewhere, and it looks like he the caught the hacker bug— Wait, is he... now explaining what a network is to me?
You must be crazy to work at an early startup. The pressures, uncertainty, and risks don't work out for most.
When I talk to potential hires for Omnigres' core engineering, I overindex on the signs of such craziness.
Ultimately, being crazy is a job requirement for us.
This means we have a smaller pool of talent, but the hope is that we are not doing a disservice to people who may not be the right fit for the time being. It's better to build relationships and hire them later.
Žižek is so smart. I really don't understand why does he quote charlatan freud. Surely he knows he was a charlatan.
The holidays are fast approaching, and the search for truly special gifts is on! This year, give a meaningful gift with our winter collection.
Each piece tells a story, connecting the past with the present, and offers a unique way to support independent journalism.
If you're unsure which item to choose, we also offer Gift Cards, allowing your loved ones to pick out exactly what they want from our collection.
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My favorite standup comedian says based things.
That guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.