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@aspensmonster ah! A tankie! That explains so fucking much. ❤️

What is it with commies and passion for countries with concentration camps.

I upgrade my insulin wish to surviving a trip to one such correctional facility, my man ❤️

@aspensmonster Preston "Citation Needed" Maness.

Btw, I was responding to your america-centric take! Actually, procuring insulin is trivial in like... Normal countries. 🇪🇺

@aspensmonster I'm with you! But don't have to be a communist to be anti-capitalist!

You may argue that being anti-capitalist automatically makes you an intersectional communist, then sign me up, but marxism-lenibism is like... Demonstrably hateful ideology which converges to authoritarianism isomorphic to fascism.

And the problem is in the communist manifesto itself. If you don't set precise and concrete parameters for distinguishing bourgeois from proletariat and call for violence *not against the property* even, but against human beings, then your criteria degrade and the guy with the rifle becomes the proletarian and everyone without a rifle becomes a bourgeois.

@aspensmonster this comment was mostly to demonstrate that if you answer with some substance like @celesteh did, you get a response with some substance and empathy. If you just talk shit, you only get best wishes.

It's also quite hilarious how clueless westerners are! My entire fucking family was killing nazis and facilitating killing nazis. Did we get weapons from the reds? Yes. Did the reds make the weapons from American metals? Also yes. Did they give us weapons because they wanted to have the way cleared and enslave the rest? You fucking betcha.

Next time you wonder "why do Polish people not like me" (I'm not Polish, but it's not like you are likely to know the difference), look up Warsaw uprising and look up how soviets were involved with it. And where their army was as they were waiting for Poles and germans to cancel out.

P. S.
You are a clown ❤️

@aspensmonster @vwbusguy @celesteh I hope that one day you will live in an equivalent of soviet union (your country is well on its way). When you do, please report back on how easy or hard will it be to procure insulin! 😂


You are endorsing soviet union by using soviet swastika, my dude.

I have a low degree of compassion for clueless westerners who never lived in that country, so I appreciate to a low degree that you aren't a fan of stalin. Buuuuut it's not like he invented soviet concentration camps. Gulag programme is known to have started by early 20s.

It's cute that you're willing to drop the swastika some time soon! But if you care about antisemitism, please study antisemitism in ussr. It's not "just stalin"!

In the old country we had quotas for Jews enrolling into unis, and special ghetto universities for overeager Jewish people. Also, there was an attempt at an actual dedicated ghetto called Yevreyskaya autonomnaya oblast (created after 1924, but, you know, it still exists).

But most importantly – throughout the entirety of the history of the country which flag you proudly fly, there was systemic oppression of common folk of different countries russians have colonised by forced displacement, which was also quota'd!

Displacement was organised in cargo trains (even though it was supposed to be passenger trains by decree, but that's another russian trick – "tzar is kind, it's the vassals who are the problem") and mortality rates on these trains was tens of percents. Displaced people were replaced by russians.

I think, if you have some empathy, you can understand why I call your fave Unicode codepoint "a soviet swastika" now? 🤔

@wronglang @octade it's a bit worse than that! @FediTips used to have a good summary, but basically, in the early days of folks on their communism imageboard[1] were in big part devs. The degree of brain rot and hate there was impossible to describe.

The author and his colleagues are quite hilarious on their personal platforms too, for instance read this wonderful post which is not idiotic at all: dessalines(.)

[1]: lemmygrad(.)ml

"The Authoritarian Regime Survival Guide"

"And above all, be strong, fight, endure, and remember you’re on the good side of history.

"EVERY authoritarian, totalitarian and fascist regime in history eventually failed, thanks to the PEOPLE.

"– With love, your Eastern European friends"

Boosts appreciated!

it's absolutely the time for the european union to stop seeing the united states as an ally, and start seeing it as an adversary, if not an enemy.

Hey, @vwbusguy , do you mind not putting soviet swastikas in the feeds of people who follow you by re-tooting @celesteh and other folks who are really into spreading hateful ideologies? Thx.

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@dcoderlt supapleeeeeeeeex.

Also, yess, also 2nd computer with 32MB (Celeron 433MhZ) and also upgraded to 128. was the sluggish game of choice for me.

Also, omg, did you also put in 128MB along with 32 and only years later learned that it was a mistake?

@dcoderlt @ajsadauskas Ak vai! Es jūs abus sapratu. Un es visiem draugiem no ārzemēm vienmēr teicu, ka lietuviešu un latviešu valodas ir pārāk atšķirīgas, lai mēs viens otru saprastu.

@dcoderlt I was telling a young colleague that my first computer had 8MiB of RAM and couldn't believe it myself.

There was so much stuff going on. And on Windows today, windows key doesn't always work to summon the start menu. 🤪

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