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% Track TODO items while writing
\NewEnviron{todo}[0]{\color{red}TODO: \BODY. \color{black}}

Today has verified its first credential.

Going to clean up noisy logging output and push the code tomorrow.

@markosaric I see you guys are using for time zone management. But I also remember Uku saying that he had some bug related to daylight savings adjustment.

Do you know was it despite or because of it?

Why have you chosen timex, not tzdata + DateTime?

Good way to wake up is with a traffic spike alert from @plausible in my inbox 😅

Google FL*C is a hot topic on Hacker News today! You can follow our live stats 👉

@aral might I also suggest adding to nginx configs:

add_header Fuck-Google;

Google is now tracking your visitors for advertising purposes even when you’re not using Google Analytics or Google Ads.

I took a closer look at Google’s FLoC initiative and how you can fight back and opt-out as a web user and a web developer

My only "grudge" against Ecto is that the docs suggest using :string in migrations, and then this happens.

I couldn't figure out how to have small and granular commints with ecto, so I had to just stop at some point before it grew ridiculously huge:

[main ce41420] Problem: No way to persist important data
31 files changed, 1233 insertions(+), 380 deletions(-)

@jonn have you looked into one of these:
I've been away from #elixir for a while now, so apologies if advice is outdated.

is amazing. Error messages take getting used to, but I'm yet to face a problem with false positives, some people were talking about, in almost 10 years of usage.

Nice interview with Plausible's and our (fosstodon's) own Marko Saric @markosaric

A lot of effort went in to that interview - and well done!


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