@calispera maybe the LFH has failed to initialise. You should debug from TTY1. (Ctrl+Alt+F1).
@hybridhavoc I don't get it. It's tell-not-show (which is kinda bad, I think), but also fast-paced? 🤔
@timClicks btw, when are we hanging out in London? Let's schedule a dinner beforehand. Also, can I invite @pola?
@timClicks sadly, I don't know any of those, but it's a very good take, I went ahead and donated to https://satori.lv/ziedot
@TheDigitalDM can I join if you run it online? 🙏
Remember #dungeon23?
I'm currently writing an OSE module that I plan to release some time this year. And sometimes I need new cool spells to make sure that a single "big-bad" can hold their ground against the party.
May I present you "dreamwoven image", the mirror image's big brother. Pair with #Dolmenwood's Dream Vapours for some TPK action.
Getting out of #magic24 slump by drafting everything except for white in #MKM.
I'm very happy that I've stumbled upon the idea of virtual card advantage before Alex and Sam have educated the masses about it.
Bombs don't matter, I was winning without bombs. The key is Vitu Ghazi Inspectors, a ton of self-mill from the leech, panthers, split card and even gorehound and edicts!
I only resolved Izani twice and didn't win both games 😄
Wasn't impressed with Hustle // Bustle in this deck at all, probably a Faerie would have been stronger. I think so even though I have attacked with Bustle for lethal once.
@Cervajz actually, IO.inspect implementation is basically a `tap` with a side-effect of pretty-printing stuff into TTY.
@Cervajz when you need to run a side-effect on a return value for example.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight I don't think the fact that russians have tried to scam David, likely from a government-owned farm is:
a. The tipping point that will make people think that ALL russians are bad;
b. Conveys an unhelpful message.
Nor do I think that the world will be significantly worse if westerners would think that ALL russians are bad. 😉
@entropealabs yeah, it's super-useful if you want to sprinkle a side-effect into a pipe.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight sounds a bit like russian-apologism to me, Ray. While I appreciate the sentiment that "every country has bad people", russians have weaponised scamming into a hybrid warfare strategy.
For the curious, here is a follow-up on the scammer who pretended to be from the Kdenlive team. (Email posted yesterday, I'm replying to it ↑).
Confirmed: it's a scam and their goal is to get the target to install malware.
Here's the whole discussion as screenshot, and it wasn't easy because I had to use an old inactive Gmail account 🤢. That's because Protonmail is banned from this impersonator's email address, kdenlivevideo.site (handled by emx.mail.ru).
I won't dig any further.
`tap` is one of my favorite #Elixir functions. I implemented it myself in my #Uptight functools, but then a colleague of mine told me that it's already in #Kernel.
Documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.12.3/Kernel.html#tap/2
Code: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/v1.12.3/lib/elixir/lib/kernel.ex#L1160
@zmitchell omg yes, dealing with a similar one right now and it's crazy.
PSA: #VintageCube on #MTGO is currently fake (single player).
@timClicks "why are you using British versions of words, Chelsea?"
#dialyzer is not stupid, you are stupid.
This was literally the 1st thing I said when Russians went running for the border to escape mobilization. Of course, Russia would flood West with spies & I'm sure many headed for the US border. I was shocked we didn't stop this but we never learn
That https://doma.dev guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.