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A priest, a nun, and a rabbit go to a clinic to donate blood. When asked for a blood type, the rabbit says he is a type-o.

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New tutorial: Drawing GNOME app mockups in Inkscape!

If you've ever wondered how to get started drawing app mockups like we do on the design team, this is for you :)

How I do it now:

find . -type f | grep -e '\/.*\/.*' | cut -d\. -f2- | cut -d\/ -f2- | tee -a .rsyncignore

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Less wrong:

find . -maxdepth 2 | grep -e '\/.*\/.*' | cut -d\. -f2- | cut -d\/ -f2-

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This will ignore everything at the depth of two. Run with

rsync --exclude-from=.rsyncignore -Pave 'ssh -p $remote_port' $remote_host:$remote_base_path .

BTW, no need for -mindepth 1 in `find` clause, oops.

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find . -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 1 -type d | grep -e '\/.*\/.*' | cut -d\. -f2 | cut -d\/ -f2- | tee .rsyncignore

If you're using any Chromium-based browser and wonder why tabs that previously had to be open for "connection keepalive" purposes are no longer refreshing when they should, it's because of the introduction of throttling on Javascript timers.

1. In your browser, visit the page chrome://flags (copy and paste into your URL bar)

2. Search for Throttle javascript timers

3. Disable the option

4. Restart your browser

@jonn I treat programming like a video game. First get the types to line up, then replace "undefined" with the function implementation, its like a Haskell side quest

I realised that I kind of don't like computer games anymore...

Maybe I'm too scared of wasting limited time on learning kind of useless skills, maybe I'm so bad at games, I don't want to see myself fail?..

What should I do, ?

Exciting Facebook service outage!

I hope it's something big:

1. To learn from
2. Because fuck !

But also, it's a testament to in a way.

Yes, the ecosystem often shoots you in a shoulder, but I literally spent over ten years with haskell actively avoiding CPP feature and was reasonably productive.

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Speaking of which. I need a very simple conditional compilation for my prototype project (see picture).

If someone on knows how to do it in WITHOUT MANUALLY EDITING .CABAL file, it would be much appreciated.

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With you spend more time on figuring out how to do basic things like "how do I add C preprocessor flags to my project?" than how to do advanced things like "how do I use this domain algebra".

At least this is my experience.

Is there a practicing systems engineer on ?

I'd like an independent opinion on some essays on the subject.

Us two published a "Pattern Matching in Rust and Other Imperative Languages" blog post, but didn't promote it anywhere yet.

Aimed at beginners and people who are curious how they can enrich their programming practices in languages such as and .

Read it while it's hot, and send me comments, would love to read them!

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