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@JNSLCT notably, peskov has jumped the gun and said the w-word in the morning, before the shootings.

Shooting in moscow?

That probably means:
a) putin wants to intensify Ukraine war (blame Ukraine)
b) putin wants to start a new war (blame Baltics, Moldowa, Georgia, ..)
c) putin wants to stop any mass gatherings (blame opposition)
d) ..

Probably the same as the bombings by putin / the FSB in 1999:
there, putin wanted to win an election which still was one ..

Peskov now speaks of "war", not military operation, so it's probably a).

#Ukraine #War #StandWithUkraine

@dersmon fair enough, but I'm yet to see a filter created specifically for a particular liquid (gases are liquids) and be named after it. Water filter comes the closest, but as I have demonstrated, water filter is a vulgar name for a set of filters. So even though I agree that some filters leak (pun intended) implementation details, filters never have the "keep" semantics.

Degrees of freedom in career 

Benefit of working in my own self-funded startup #68

We have timeout messages hardcoded in the system to 3 minutes.
I was too lazy to change the messages....

So I just changed the planet.

Ok Google, provide me a dictionary definition of "forcing a meme".

@dersmon that's why I said "in engineering", to remove "water filter" counterexample, which is a vulgar term! 🤷

Also! Your blue light filter leaves you with a very blue light. 🤣

I have some gripes against DateTime.diff argument order, but my biggest, and it's not -specific is using word `filter` when one means `keep`.

In engineering, they say "filter" and specify *what particles it filters out*! Why do we speicfy which objects do we want to keep instead?!

Why not call it `keep`? :D

@Snowshadow I got this sentiment (I presume, not unlike @noodlemaz) while actively dating. Not from everyone, but I would say, from people who are more likely than not fall into "normie" category. Then I extrapolated this observation a bit.

I am being upfront now saying something along the lines of "I like doing and often do creative stuff as part of dating" to set expectations.

My point here is that it's not the fault of people I date to be freaked out by something that isn't considered to be normal.

I actually have a hypothesis — "meaningful" activities tend to be reserved for people we are closer to, so it's weird.

And another one — doing the same "meaningful" activities as "the other people" feels like the dates are commoditised.

@madlep would you say that happened before or after you learned that we can't have nice date time sorting in Elixir?

@noodlemaz I think that maybe people assume that we wouldn't find time for some of our dates' interests too? I'd love to do fun stuff any and all of us cuties are passionate about!

But it's nice to see that other people had similar experiences too.

Why is it socially unacceptable to have certain set of meaningful activities one participates in with their dates / partners? For example, I love coworking dates or boardgame exchange dates. Gladly, most people I date understand that it's normal, but I have a strong setiment from many people which can be exemplified as follows:

— You do fun projects with all your dates! You're such a weirdo.


— You go to restaurants with all your dates! You're so normal.


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