@Snowshadow I got this sentiment (I presume, not unlike @noodlemaz) while actively dating. Not from everyone, but I would say, from people who are more likely than not fall into "normie" category. Then I extrapolated this observation a bit.
I am being upfront now saying something along the lines of "I like doing and often do creative stuff as part of dating" to set expectations.
My point here is that it's not the fault of people I date to be freaked out by something that isn't considered to be normal.
I actually have a hypothesis — "meaningful" activities tend to be reserved for people we are closer to, so it's weird.
And another one — doing the same "meaningful" activities as "the other people" feels like the dates are commoditised.
Oh hi, @dch! Loved your `ETOOJAVA`!
@madlep would you say that happened before or after you learned that we can't have nice date time sorting in Elixir?
@noodlemaz I think that maybe people assume that we wouldn't find time for some of our dates' interests too? I'd love to do fun stuff any and all of us cuties are passionate about!
But it's nice to see that other people had similar experiences too.
Why is it socially unacceptable to have certain set of meaningful activities one participates in with their dates / partners? For example, I love coworking dates or boardgame exchange dates. Gladly, most people I date understand that it's normal, but I have a strong setiment from many people which can be exemplified as follows:
— You do fun projects with all your dates! You're such a weirdo.
— You go to restaurants with all your dates! You're so normal.
@calispera maybe the LFH has failed to initialise. You should debug from TTY1. (Ctrl+Alt+F1).
@hybridhavoc I don't get it. It's tell-not-show (which is kinda bad, I think), but also fast-paced? 🤔
@timClicks btw, when are we hanging out in London? Let's schedule a dinner beforehand. Also, can I invite @pola?
@timClicks sadly, I don't know any of those, but it's a very good take, I went ahead and donated to https://satori.lv/ziedot
@TheDigitalDM can I join if you run it online? 🙏
Remember #dungeon23?
I'm currently writing an OSE module that I plan to release some time this year. And sometimes I need new cool spells to make sure that a single "big-bad" can hold their ground against the party.
May I present you "dreamwoven image", the mirror image's big brother. Pair with #Dolmenwood's Dream Vapours for some TPK action.
Getting out of #magic24 slump by drafting everything except for white in #MKM.
I'm very happy that I've stumbled upon the idea of virtual card advantage before Alex and Sam have educated the masses about it.
Bombs don't matter, I was winning without bombs. The key is Vitu Ghazi Inspectors, a ton of self-mill from the leech, panthers, split card and even gorehound and edicts!
I only resolved Izani twice and didn't win both games 😄
Wasn't impressed with Hustle // Bustle in this deck at all, probably a Faerie would have been stronger. I think so even though I have attacked with Bustle for lethal once.
@Cervajz actually, IO.inspect implementation is basically a `tap` with a side-effect of pretty-printing stuff into TTY.
@Cervajz when you need to run a side-effect on a return value for example.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight I don't think the fact that russians have tried to scam David, likely from a government-owned farm is:
a. The tipping point that will make people think that ALL russians are bad;
b. Conveys an unhelpful message.
Nor do I think that the world will be significantly worse if westerners would think that ALL russians are bad. 😉
@entropealabs yeah, it's super-useful if you want to sprinkle a side-effect into a pipe.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight sounds a bit like russian-apologism to me, Ray. While I appreciate the sentiment that "every country has bad people", russians have weaponised scamming into a hybrid warfare strategy.
For the curious, here is a follow-up on the scammer who pretended to be from the Kdenlive team. (Email posted yesterday, I'm replying to it ↑).
Confirmed: it's a scam and their goal is to get the target to install malware.
Here's the whole discussion as screenshot, and it wasn't easy because I had to use an old inactive Gmail account 🤢. That's because Protonmail is banned from this impersonator's email address, kdenlivevideo.site (handled by emx.mail.ru).
I won't dig any further.
`tap` is one of my favorite #Elixir functions. I implemented it myself in my #Uptight functools, but then a colleague of mine told me that it's already in #Kernel.
Documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.12.3/Kernel.html#tap/2
Code: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/v1.12.3/lib/elixir/lib/kernel.ex#L1160
That https://doma.dev guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.